Public events
Love Me Like A Reptile provides educational displays and wildlife talks for public events.

Make your event a memorable one with some iconic Australian animals, and have your guests challenge themselves to interact with animals a little bit more on the scaly side!
Our pricing is based on the hours spent showing at your event. We provide three different varieties of public entertainment for you to choose from.
- Static Display: As pictured above, features a set display with animals in tanks for viewing as well as animals roving with staff for photo opportunities with the public. Tanks will feature some of our popular but more fragile animals such as frogs, insects, baby pythons and native rodents. Our crocodiles, lizards and larger pythons are out and about to meet your guests!
- Wildlife Talk: These are a great option for longer running events and provides a set time for the audience to arrive to see the animals. We do 30/45/60min wildlife talks for the public with the option of photo opportunities at the end. Our wildlife talks are fun and engaging, inviting as many kids as we can to answer questions, and to come up and help the animal handlers out during the show!
-Roving: Costumed animal handlers in safari theme can add some serious flair and hype to your event. Positioned in one area or roving the crowd to take photos and answer questions about our amazing wildlife.
"She kept the kids and also the adults entertained the whole time! The kids absolutely love holding the animals as Olivia made them feel comfortable throughout the whole show."- Tonya, 2017
"The feedback [has been] great, my kids loved having you there, along with many others. " - Kalorama Chestnut Festival organisers, 2019